
Solve Your Small Business Challenge
Our Technology Toolbox Can Solve Your Small Business Challenge
A small consulting company wants a web app to track employee time. A local insurance company wants a system to calculate policy quotes. A new coaching company wants a client portal. A growing manufacturer wants complete reports that pull data from multiple systems. A division of a medical equipment company wants a simple CRM system just to track sales.
CRMs Don’t Work
Is your Small Business CRM System a Swing Set or a Space Ship?
Today's "Big Box" customer relationship management systems are so complicated it is just not fun anymore. Why? Because they're built by Fortune 500 companies. What does a Fortune 500 company know about your small business? Their systems include a bunch of features that are "built-in" and ready to go, but they were designed with their big business mindset. So they are over-the-top complicated.
Man Stuck
CRM Systems are Sticky. Don’t Get Stuck.
Once you install a CRM System in your business, chances are you’re going to have it for a long time. Why? Because change comes with a cost. CRM systems are used every day, and as a result they become β€œpart of the process”, just like email or a mobile device. So before diving in, know the costs. The monthly subscription fee is only part of the story. Find out things like…
People With Food
Your CRM is like a Grocery Store…Ours is like a Restaurant.
Grocery shopping at the best of times is a mundane chore. At worst, it’s stressful and overwhelming, especially when you can’t seem to find exactly what you came for. Shelves are always stocked with a huge range of products, yet you feel like you’re settling for whatever you can get.
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